Blending Art and Food and Sisterhood

Delicious Art Pastel Class Brisbane

On Sunday 16th July we held another delicious Sunday Workshop. This one was inspired by my sister’s visit from Canberra so between us and my other sister, Sally, we created a wonderful day of pastels, food and a touch of yoga.

With food being the subject we began the day with carrot cake – painting it that is! Everyone’s cake looked so delicious and then for morning tea we had the real thing, yum!

After lunch we settled in and spent the rest of the day painting a gorgeous beach scene in purple and yellow complementary pastels. There was plenty of chatter, laughter and of course some of us struggled a bit to get everything right, but at the end of the day everyone had painted magnificent scenes and they looked great.

The Delicious Art Sunday Workshops are a wonderful way to learn to paint with pastels, enjoy the company of other arty people and just take time out for yourself. Nearly everyone arrives with some trepidation and doubt, because we’re human aren’t we, but there’s also a touch of excitement and anticipation to see what we’re capable of, to tap into the inner artist who might not have been around for a while. And by the end of the day there are smiles all round, new friendships and a wonderful feeling of achievement. That’s the best part!

Painting Autumn


Our Autumn Sunday Workshop was a wonderful day. We’d had a lot of rain in the previous few days and I was a bit nervous about having the class on the deck. You’d think that would be fine in the rain, and it is mostly, but when it’s heavy and wild that rain finds its way in and gets all over the paper and pastels and it’s not a good mix.

We started the Workshop off inside sketching autumn leaves and talking about tone and shadow and light. By morning tea the skies were clear so we ventured out to the deck after all – it’s much nicer out there with the river views.

The first exercise after sketching was to paint an autumn leaf with pastels. Oh my goodness!  We had two beginners, Jocelyn and Alessandra, in the class that day and they both did a magnificent job! Gayle and Guinevere painted stunning autumn leaves as well. It was so much fun mixing the golds and reds to make browns and muds. After lunch we delved into the ‘big picture’  for the day, an image of leaves on a branch with a blurred background. These all turned out beautiful as well.

I am always so delighted with what my students create, from beginners to experienced and everything in between. We had a wonderful day and just quietly, I think our Autumn theme might have encouraged Autumn to actually arrive at last!