We all have different needs and desires that drive us and keep us motivated and keen to get out of bed every day. One of the drivers for me, other than creating and making art, is being part of a community and bringing people together. I get a huge kick out of witnessing people meeting and collaborating and forming friendships and it’s one of the reasons I teach pastel art classes.
Yes it’s about art and learning but it’s also about community and bringing people together. Over the last 20 years the rapid advancement of technology has meant that we tend to spend more time alone than ever, engrossed in our computers or phones staring at a screen, and it isolates us. Most humans have a basic need to connect with other humans, to talk, touch and engage, and so we gravitate towards meetups and networks to satisfy the need for connection, to receive validation and participate in conversation. I love that my Delicious Art classes are creating a community, friendships have grown and so has confidence. I love that my students can relax, laugh and enjoy each other’s company while realising the value of investing in their art. So to those of you who came and learned and shared, I thank you, for not only brightening my days but for coming together, creating community and making delicious art.
Christmas is now only a few days away – where did the year go? I wish you a wonderful restful festive season and I look forward to making more art with you in 2017.
Jeanne x